e-Aushadhi Application
e-Aushadhi Application



Sh. Vikram Singh Sankhala

Phone No.- +91-8764324065

Email - itcell-rmsc-rj@nic.in


About "e-Aushadhi"

The e-Aushadhi is a web based application which deals with the management of stock of various drugs, sutures and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses of Rajasthan state. "e-Aushadhi" helps in ascertaining the needs of various district drug warehouses such that all the required materials/ drugs are constantly available to be supplied to the user district drug warehouses without delay. This includes classification/categorization of items, codification of items, etc. The prime objective of a District Drug Warehouse is to supply drugs to the various medical institutes that are associated with the given district drug warehouse.


Key features of the Software "e-Aushadhi"

  • Store, Maintain, Update, Search & Display information related to drugs.
  • Ability to define the items into groups, sub groups, categories, codification of drugs.
  • Provision to maintain expiry date / shelf life for an item wherever applicable.
  • Alert with different colour for to be expired item will be generated well before its expiry date.
  •  Indent generation.
  • Condemnation Requests.
  • Compilation of Indents 91.
  • Ability to generate indents automatically based on reorder, minimum, maximum planning.
  • Ability to define and maintain various levels of stores and that will allow maintenance and keeps transaction history.
  • Ability to maintain control (such as quantity tracking) on stocks and their replenishment.
  • Ability to reserve items within the district ware house.
  • Ability to search items using a number of search criteria like identification id, item specification, equivalent / related item etc
  • There is provision to link all drug warehouses hierarchically to understand their physical as well as functional structure.
  • Transfer of Drugs between Drug Warehouses.
  • There is provision to record transactions while moving items from one location to another.


Benefits of Software based Inventory Management System

  •  Better Planning, executing and controlling
  • Online Tracking of Drug Inventory
  • Streamlining of Inter-Drug warehouse Transfer
  • Efficient control of Inventory
  • Multi user, Multi location storage
  • Comprehensive Help
  • Customizable Reports


Drug Inventory :

  • This option will be used to add physically counted quantity of the items in stock on Current financial year/at the time of initializing the system.
  • This option will also allow the user to update the existing item details according to the batch no, item name and serial number of the items.

Issue to Hospital / Institutes :

  • This process is used for issuing (offline) drugs to Institutes by DDW
  • Passbook of drugs will be issued to each Store.
  • Store personnel will fill the passbook.
  •  Store incharge from District Institutions will go to respective Drug warehouse to collect medicines.
  • The data entry operator will fill in the drugs details in the following form.


Drug Transfer :

  • This Interface is used to transfer the Drug from a store to another store of the similar hierarchy level through RMSC.


Breakage / Lost Drug Details :

  • This Option will be used to maintain breakage/damaged item details.


Miscellaneous Consumption :

  • This process will be used to maintain miscellaneous consumption details at drug warehouse based on the following parameters- drug warehouse, item category, group name, item name, batch number, available quantity, consumption quantity, consumption unit and remarks.


Supplier Return Desk :

  • This desk will be used to maintain the supplier return details by the drug ware house.
  • The reason for return may be not suitable items are supplied by the supplier.

Physical Stock Verification :

  • This desk is used to verify the stock position at any given date
  • By matching the physically counted quantity of the items with the stock ledger.

Condemnation Register Desk :

  • This process will be used to mark the items for condemnation.

Quality Control Desk :

  • This desk will be used to maintain the details of the quality check control performed on items provided by concerned drug ware house or supplier.


Sample Register :

  • This desk will be used to maintain the sample details received from the different sources.
  • The following activities will be controlled through this desk -
  1. Receiving of the sample,
  2. Returning of the sample and
  3. Disposing of the sample.


Drug Locator :

  • This is used to locate a particular drug in various Drug warehouses.


Responsibilities of DDW :

  • To be well acquainted With the e- Aushadhi application.
  • Hardware Maintenance (Desktop Computers, Printers, UPS etc.)
  • Availability of Broadband Internet Connection Co-ordination with respective vendor.
  • Manpower/ Operators for Operationalization of application.