Office order regarding NIB 550/1106/2020-21

Office order regarding NIB 550/1106/2020-21

Upload Date: Fri Sep 24 16:22:00 IST 2021

Office order regarding . Binocular microscope 2.Monocular microscope NIB 550/1106/2020-21

List of bidders declared responsive/non responsive as per documentary evaluation & technical evaluation of item 1. Binocular microscope 2.Monocular microscope NIB 550 dated 20.11.2020


Online financial bids of responsive bidders for given item will be opened on dated  28.09.2021  at 3.00 P.M.

Download /content/dam/doitassets/Medical-and-Health-Portal/rajasthan-medical-corporation/pdf/EQUIPMENT_TENDERS/1106.pdf

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