Drug & Medicine Tender NIB-06/6536875/08.04.2024

Drug & Medicine Tender NIB-06/6536875/08.04.2024

Start Date: Mon Apr 08 14:00:00 IST 2024
End Date: Tue Apr 30 18:00:00 IST 2024
Upload Date: Mon Apr 08 16:53:00 IST 2024

Invitation Of E-Bid For Rate Contract And Empanelment Of Only Manufacturers / Loan Licensee / Importers For Supply Of Drugs & Medicines NIB-06/6536875/08.04.2024

Invitation Of E-Bid For Rate Contract And Empanelment Of Only Manufacturers / Loan Licensee / Importers For Supply Of Drugs & Medicines NIB-06/6536875/08.04.2024

Download Tender_RajKaj Ref6536875.pdf

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